We recognize that teaching at any level is a difficult, complex skill that, like research, is best approached through intentional experimentation, frequent feedback, and expert support.

Our one-to-one coaching services are highly adaptive and flexible and focus on collaborating with instructors on a manageable set of outcomes. Coaching can begin at any point during the semester, be done either in-person or remotely, and be adjusted to the most appropriate level of frequency.

Our coaches come from a variety of instructional backgrounds but share a deep passion for and expertise in the “nuts and bolts” of effective teaching. Their purpose is to act as a helpful source of support and offer instructional suggestions, information, and resources tailored to faculty member’s classroom experience. Each coach brings over a decade of teaching and instructional coaching experience and can support both face-to-face as well as online instruction.



Of instructors that have partnered with a coach to date:


have fully completed their coaching engagement


agree that they would recommend coaching from Beacon Instructional Partners to colleagues


agree that their instructional coach provided meaningful feedback that helped them improve their teaching practice


“It was awesome. My coach was great and the coaching was extremely productive. I think instructors of all levels and experience could benefit from this.”

Alisa Jno-Charles, Entrepreneurship Professor


Partner with an Expert Coach


We begin by pairing each professor with an expert instructional coach who understands the specific challenges and opportunities instructors in higher education face.

Establish Goals

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Working with their instructional coach, instructors identify and prioritize 1-3 specific instructional goals for the semester.

Implementation and Feedback Cycle


Together, through regular classroom observations and debrief sessions, instructors and coaches discuss observations and student data to guide implementation of actionable, research-based instructional strategies.

Results — Today and Tomorrow

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Instructors and coaches leverage qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure successes and capture key insights for the next lesson, next semester, and future instructional experiences.


Coaching Introduction Session One meeting at beginning of the semester Meet with your instructional coach to discuss and set your instructional goals
Instructional Observation and Debrief Session Four instructional observations (video and/or in-person) and four coaching debrief sessions Invite your coach into your classroom to observe and then meet with your coach to discuss feedback and action steps for future instruction
On-Demand Instructional Guidance As needed Phone or email support provided by your coach to answer or discuss quick instructional questions
End-Of-Semester Action Planning One meeting at end of semester Discuss student evaluation scores and potential action steps with your coach


Our instructional coaches partner with instructors in an intentionally low-stress, non-evaluative relationship disconnected from their institution’s evaluation process. We help educators achieve:


A higher level of confidence to execute more rigorous and complex instructional strategies to support a more active and inclusive learning environment.


A mix of immediate and long-term skills to improve instructional planning and teaching efficiency and effectiveness.


An improved instructor “tool kit” of research-backed teaching strategies and activities


A clearer teaching philosophy that speaks to their personality, discipline, and context


Each faculty member receives individual support that is tailored to their experience level, instructional goals, and preference. Potential coaching topics include:


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  • Lesson and course organization

  • Planning and managing student practice

  • Assessment and rubric design

  • Balancing teaching and scholarship

  • Engaging students in learning


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  • Differentiating classroom instruction

  • Classroom management

  • Asking effective, challenging questions

  • Responding to student answers

  • Managing lesson pacing

  • Co-teaching


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  • Creating an inclusive learning environment

  • Equity and inclusion in the classroom

  • Establishing presence and rapport

Is Our Coaching Right For You?


Our individual coaching focuses on core instructional skills necessary to teach any subject in higher education. Our methods are based on the foundational belief that expert coaching is a professional right and can benefit faculty members of any skill level and background.

We work with instructors of all experience levels and disciplines. For faculty new to teaching, our coaching focuses on developing core instructional skills and habits. More experienced faculty can partner with a coach to innovate on existing lessons or teaching practices.

Participating instructors must be open to classroom observations, eager for instructional feedback, and looking for an experienced instructional thought-partner. Instructors we work with include:

● Tenure-Track Faculty
● Adjunct Faculty
● Lecturers
● Department Chairs
● Teaching and Learning Center Staff

Levels of instructors we work with include:

  • Novice Instructor: instructor with 1-3 years of experience who wants to build their instructional skill set.

  • Experienced Instructor: instructor with 4-10 years of experience who wants to push their instructional practices from good to great.

  • Expert Instructor: instructor with 10+ years of experience who wants to refine and elevate specific components of their instructional practices.

  • Struggling Instructor: instructor of any experience level who struggles to meet their own and/or their institution’s expectations for high-quality instruction.


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“I truly feel that this program significantly improved my effectiveness as an instructor. Students were more engaged this semester than they have ever been and I felt confident that I was reaching all students. I highly recommend this program to other faculty members and hope I get the chance to participate again to work on additional instructional goals I have.”

Krista Hill, Marketing Professor

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“(My coach) was an exceptional coach who was like oxygen this semester. She was helpful and resourceful throughout (the coaching). I improved with her help and coaching and feel more prepared for the next semester.”

Nada Hashmi, Information Systems Professor